In 2012 he started making comics and publishing them on Helly Cherry web magazine.
In 2013 he collected eight comics he made with Ella Gall, his script writer, in a comic book called “Glimpses of Comfort”, which was published by Stripnjak Comics from Sarajevo.
In 2014 Modesty Comics from UK published "The Healing Island", his first solo graphic novel.
His second graphic novel "The Silent Flight of a Seagull" is also publised by Modesty Comics in 2017.
Since winter 2017 you can read his puzzling ongoing series/shorts, exclusively via monthly MojStrip web magazine.
In 2019 he launched his new comic book characters Brizzo & Burra on Helly Cherry webzin.
He is Stripnjak Zine editor in a small-press project Stripnjak Comics
Also ilustrator for Helly Cherry webzine
And artist/member of CRVENA