Monday, 8 September 2014

September in Sarajevo

Epkhwf... So, after seven summer weeks of craziness on "the real" Healing Island and around I'm back in my "city life" and my computer.

Just finished pilot episode of my first superhero comic! It's written by Emir Pašanović and here is one sample page for now:

Also, after my debut comic book "The Healing Island" I'm ready to start drawing my new book. Actually, I have two stories to tell that I wrote/sketch this summer so will probably work on both of them, if that is possible for me, will see.

In the meantime I'll probably put here and there some short comics like these thumbnail listed in right column there →

I posted my latest 14 pages comic "Komadić sira" aka "Slice of Cheese" in that section but it's for now in Bosnian language. It's kind of trip through my neighborhood!
Find it here.